Captain: Ms Sheila Clarke
Vice Captain: Mrs Claire Lewis
Hon. Sec. Ms Hilary Skeens
Burnham Golf Club has an active and friendly ladies’ section with around 100 members. Ladies’ Day is Thursday morning when we have a sign-up sheet with a two tee closure throughout the summer (one tee closure in winter). 18 and 9 hole competitions are run on Thursdays and at the weekend every week throughout the summer and monthly in the winter; with 30-40 ladies playing in the competitions over the week. There are also season long competitions in both summer and winter. In the winter there are season long competitions for individuals (both 18 and 9 hole) and pairs.
Several ladies take part in the Club’s mixed competitions which are run over both summer and winter. There are various opportunities throughout the year to play with other sections of the Club.
Ladies also meet informally on a Tuesday morning for a ‘balls-up’. A group of ladies, the Birdies, meet at the weekend for a balls-up on both Saturday and Sunday morning. All are welcome to join in any of the days that a group of ladies are meeting.
We compete in County competitions with a Silver (scratch 10+), Bronze (scratch 19+) and Harris Bowl team. For those not in the teams we play ‘friendlies’ with local clubs over the season when any player with a handicap have an opportunity to play.
Some of the key events in the Ladies’ section are: two guest days, Spring and Autumn meeting, Lady Captain’s day (Summer), AGM and Lady Captain’s drive-in held at the end of October.